Posted: 10/17/19 | October 17th, 2019
I read many different kinds of books. It’s not all travel. Last month, I shared some of my recent favorite travel books. This month, I wanted to share the non-travel books that have had the most impact on my life and feel have made me a better person. These created paradigm shifts in my thinking. They just made me go “Ohh damn!”
They got me interested in new ideas, literature, personal development, and so much more.
If you’re looking to improve your life, change a habit, expand your mind, or just want something interesting to read, here are twelve of the most influential books in my life:
1. 7 habits of highly effective People, by Stephen R. Covey
One of the most famous books in the world, this book taught me habits to create a better lifestyle including planning out your week, sleeping more, being proactive in life, the importance of creating win-win situations, and the importance of continuous improvement. It articulated the small things I forget to do to make me a more organized and thoughtful person. If you haven’t read it, you really must! This book will help you become less mindless in your actions and more thoughtful overall. even if you pick up just one tip to better organize your life in this chaotic world, it will be worth it. buy on Amazon | buy on Bookshop
2. The Power of Habit, by Charles Duhigg
Why do we do what we do? Are we hard-wired to repeat habits, even when they are bad? how do we break them and form good ones? This bestselling book discusses how we form habits and gives specific strategies about how to break the bad ones and start good ones. It really made me think about the negative habits in my life, why I keep doing them, and how I can change that. I started thinking of all the excuses I tell myself that keep negative habits in my life. because of this book, I started sleeping at a more regular time, reading again, drinking less, and being more productive. I can’t recommend it enough. buy on Amazon | buy on Bookshop
3. Titan, by Ron Chernow
The biography of J.D. Rockefeller and his rise to power is long, dense, and worth every second. Rockefeller was a fascinating man – ruthless in business yet a devout Christian who founded some the biggest universities and health institutions the world has even seen. While I have no desire to be as ruthless as him, this biography was a good lesson in how frugality, slowness, and thoughtfulness can lead to success in life and business. J.D. never moved quickly, was financially conservative, and always reinvested in his company business. His methodical thinking made me rethink how I made business decisions. buy on Amazon | buy on Bookshop
4. losing My Virginity, by Richard Branson
Richard Branson’s autobiography was super interesting (this guy does a lot of insane things) and it inspired me to create my non-profit (FLYTE). I’d been thinking about it for years but reading how Branson just went for things he believed in and worked out the details later inspired me. It’s in stark contrast to Rockefeller, but Branson’s “why wait?” philosophy on starting projects makes a lot of sense. There’s never going to be a perfect time to start something so why wait? buy on Amazon | buy on Bookshop
5. how to Win pals and influence People, by Dale Carnegie
Dale Carnegie’s multi-decade old, but still relevant, book was instrumental in helping me shut my mouth. Ignoring the sensational title, this book ties heavily into what the 7 habits of highly successful people says about listening to when people talk, not being a know it all, and empathizing with others as a way to connect and then influence them. As an introverted person (see quiet below), this book helped me learn to talk to people better…not in a Machiavellian way but in a way that made me better at handling social situations. buy on Amazon | buy on Bookshop
6. Quiet, by Susan Cain
I’m an introvert in an extroverted world. I would rather read books and sit by myself than be at a big party filled with strangers. I know that sounds weird since I travel all the time and meet people but when I’m with my friends, I get social anxiety about meeting strangers. This renowned book looks at why the world is so extroverted, how that affects us, and lessons for dealing with both introverts and extroverts. As I read through it, I saw myself in the author’s examples and her lessons on balancing your space helped me deal with my social anxiety. buy on Amazon | buy on Bookshop
7. What got You Here Won’t get You There, by Marshall Goldsmith
Written by a management consultant, this book is a guide for executives to become better managers. However, it’s much more than that. It’s a book on how to listen, behave, and think better. Its premise is that if you want to jump up to the next station in life, you’ll need a different set of skills – not educational skills – but interpersonal skills. successful people interact well with others and this book talks about the small things, like looking at your phone during lunch or multitasking at a meeting, that send signals to people you’re not really there. This book got me to focus on my relationships more. buy on Amazon | buy on Bookshop
8. Mindless Eating, by Brian Wansink, Ph.D.
Every day we consume food but how aware are we when it comes to what we eat? This book illuminates the insidious ways society creeps in larger portions and mindless eating habits on us that make us gain weight and develop bad skills. This isn’t a book that’s going to just tell you to eat healthier, it shows all the ways society and commercials indoctrinate us to subconsciously eat more food, from growing plate sizes to bulk shopping to “super sizing it.” This book changed how I think about food and how I guard against unhealthy eating! buy on Amazon | buy on Bookshop
9. The 48 laws of Power, by Robert Greene
Written by legendary writer Robert Greene, this book features 48 rules for living a masterful, powerful life. It features historical examples that reinforce the rules and what happens to those who break them. slightly Machiavellian, I’ve found these “laws” valuable in dealing with my business, strangers, and situations where it is good to have the upper hand (like when you want to argue a bill with Comcast). I find these tips to be more valuable in a workplace environment than in everyday life (mostly because I have no desire to “rule” people or manipulate my friends). It’s oddly very stoic in parts. This book made me think more strategically in my life. buy on Amazon | buy on Bookshop
10. fast Food Nation, by Eric Schlosser
When I was in college, a pal handed me this book and, after reading it, I became a vegetarian. Actually, I tried going organic but, in 2002, organic was even more expensive than it is now. This book opened up my eyes to the crap we put in food, the horrible conditions animals live in, and how poorly we treat food workers. Organic, locally grown, and sustainable are all buzzwords these days, and while people are definitely more conscious of what they eat, I still feel like we are too far removed from the farm. understanding where our food comes from is vital in changing how we eat and this book did just that. buy on Amazon | buy on Bookshop
11. The Ecology of Commerce, by Paul Hawken
When I was still working in a cubicle, I did a lot of volunteer work with the environmental organization, The Sierra Club. I wanted to meld my desire for success with my passion for the environment but I didn’t think the two were compatible until I read this seminal book on sustainable development. It opened my eyes to the possibility that you could create a business and be environmentally-friendly at the same. more than that, it changed my consumer habits, helped me make more environmentally-friendly purchases, and showed me how I could be less wasteful. It was one of the most influential books I read in my 20s and was the reason I decided to do something that changed the world. buy on Amazon | buy on Bookshop
12. The ONE Thing, by Gary Keller
You can’t walk into any bookstore these days without seeing this book prominently displayed. short a book for a flight, I finally picked it up – and devoured it. It was excellent, and a really quick and easy read. I loved how he framed everything around asking yourself what is the one thing you can do to make your life better – daily, weekly, yearly. He hits so many negative aspects of our lives spot on – multi-tasking, the psychology of switching, to the power of planning and systems. This book reminded me of the things I knew to do but wasn’t and it was the wake up call I needed to finally do them. buy on Amazon | buy on Bookshop
13. The checklist Manifesto, by Atul Gawande
While this book talks a lot about the systems hospitals and doctors used to reduce medical errors, there is a lot to be extrapolated. There’s power in checklists; they ensure nothing is missed and help you verify the work that has been done. He even quotes my old boss from when I was working in healthcare (who helped pioneer surgical team processes). reading this book changed how I view procedures and how this website operates (my team actually has procedure documents for everything we do) but it also gave me the idea to create lists and structures in my own personal life. buy on Amazon | buy on Bookshop
14. Les Miserables, by Victor Hugo
I read this book when I was 14 years old. At the end of class, when we would get five minutes to chat to friends, I’d take out the unabridged version of this book and get lost in Hugo’s world. This book made me love reading. It turned me on to the power of the classics. From there it was on to Dumas, Dickens, Austen, and so many other 18th and 19th century writers. I’d blow through their tomes in school, captivated by their vivid imagery and detailed writing. buy on Amazon | buy on Bookshop
15. When Breath Becomes Air,de Paul Kalanithi
La vârsta de 36 de ani, Paul Kalanithi a fost diagnosticat cu cancer pulmonar în stadiul IV. În această carte frumos scrisă, Kalanithi își spune povestea până la sfârșit (partenerul său scrie post-script, deoarece nu a terminat cartea înainte de moartea sa). Această carte puternică (îndrăznesc să nu plângeți) se rumenește despre ceea ce face ca viața să merite să trăiască în fața morții. Ce faci când știi că nu mai rămâne mult timp? Cu toții murim, dar cred că majoritatea dintre noi nu ne gândim niciodată la asta. Este doar ceva care se întâmplă departe în viitor. Această carte te va face să te gândești profund la viața ta și la ceea ce prioritizați.
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16. Un rămas bun la arme, de Ernest Hemingway
Ernest Hemingway este autorul meu preferat al tuturor timpurilor. Aparent, el a fost un ticălos substanțial, dar a scris ca puțini alții, iar scrisul său mă mișcă mereu. Când eram la liceu, am citit această carte și m -a făcut să vreau să fiu scriitor. Când am terminat -o, am spus: „Vreau să scriu așa.” De fapt, în clasa a zecea, am încercat să scriu un roman care seamănă foarte mult cu această carte, pur și simplu pentru că voiam să fiu ca Hemingway și să -l copiez a fost cel mai bun mod în care m -am putut gândi să devin un scriitor de succes. Am avut viziuni de a fi un tânăr minuscul (spoiler: nu eram), cu toate acestea, am păstrat acea iubire de a scrie și acum câțiva ani visul meu de a fi autor a ajuns la bun sfârșit.
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Deci, acolo îl ai. Aceste cărți m -au făcut să -mi modelez viața – de obicei în moduri drastice – și niciodată nu am regretat că le -am citit. Ei sunt provocatori de gândire și vă încurajez să le citiți, dacă nu cel puțin pentru a vedea o perspectivă diferită asupra lucrurilor.
Dacă doriți să vedeți unele dintre celelalte cărți pe care le -am recomandat (sau le citesc în prezent), consultați această pagină pe care am creat -o care le listează pe toate.
Și, dacă doriți sugestii viitoare, înscrieți -vă la clubul meu lunar de carte:
Vrei mai multe sugestii de carte?
Alăturați-vă clubului meu de carte și primiți 3-5 cărți sugerate în fiecare lună.
Nume: Da, trimite -mi câteva lecturi bune
Rezervați -vă călătoria: sfaturi și trucuri logistice
Rezervați -vă zborul
Găsiți un zbor cu costuri reduse folosind Skyscanner. Este motorul meu de căutare preferat, deoarece caută site -uri web și companii aeriene de pe glob, astfel încât să știți întotdeauna că nu este lăsată nicio piatră neîngrijită.
Rezervați -vă cazarea
Vă puteți rezerva pensiunea cu Hostelworld. Dacă doriți să rămâneți în altă parte decât o pensiune, utilizați, deoarece acestea returnează în mod constant cele mai ieftine tarife pentru casele de oaspeți și hoteluri.
Nu uitați de asigurarea de călătorie
Asigurarea de călătorie vă va proteja împotriva bolilor, a vătămării, a furtului și a anulării. Este o protecție cuprinzătoare în cazul în care orice nu merge bine. Nu plec niciodată într -o călătorie fără ea, așa cum a trebuit să o folosesc de mai multe ori în trecut. Companiile mele preferate care oferă cel mai bun serviciu și valoare sunt:
Safetywing (cel mai bun pentru toată lumea)
Asigurați -mi călătoria (pentru cei de peste 70 de ani)
MedJet (pentru acoperire suplimentară de evacuare)
Sunteți gata să vă rezervați călătoria?
Consultați pagina mea de resurse pentru cele mai bune companii pe care să le utilizați atunci când călătoriți. Enistând toate cele pe care le folosesc când călătoresc. Sunt cei mai buni din clasă și nu puteți greși folosindu -le în călătoria dvs.